I'm disgusted, bothered, in disbelief and yet somewhat hopeful.
Last evening, as I took a break from working on my thesis, I turned on the TV. However, because of our cable provider's recent switch over to a nearly completely digital lineup we only get like 6 channels: CBS, NBC, TBS, and a few local stations. This doesn't leave a guy many options. TBS had Tyler Perry's House of Pain ...that's out. The local channels all had infomercials...not interested. NBC...dancing with the stars...heck no. That leaves me with CBS. I tuned in around 8:45 and my typical massive dinner took about 25 min to consume so I had the pleasure of catching glimpses of two of their hit shows.
I'm disgusted by what I saw. I thought there were some kind of rules of what a national, over the air network like CBS could show. I guess I was wrong. BOTH shows were both sex-worshiping, alcohol-abusing, hurtful-commenting, poor-work-ethic-supporting sitcoms.
I'm bothered that I see how these kinds of shows DO BECOME our culture. Regardless of whether you think you personally do or not, watching these kinds of shows has a tendency of sucking you in...making you want to join in on their "fun" because it is portrayed as "cool" or "exciting" or "everyone's doing it". No, CBS, only in liberal America does culture say that it's not only acceptable, but expected to sleep with someone after a first date. Or that you're supposed to get hammered on a Friday night. These shows not only fail to give God any glory whatsoever but all out dishonor him.
I'm in disbelief that people actually write, watch and like this crap. Who actually wants to watch a show about two couples and a 5th wheel bicker and argue for a 30 minute period of time. What happened to this, "we're America, we're good people, God bless us". No, CBS, you're damning yourselves and dragging your viewers with you to hell.
Yet, I'm somewhat hopeful. Clearly, the majority of this country will watch absolutely anything that you put on...and I see the majority of society mimicking the garbage that they watch on TV...what if CBS were to put on a Christ honoring show that was actually able to captivate viewers?
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