Monday, July 5, 2010

Giving, Part 1

Being a soon-to-be college graduate (God willing) with a well paying job, recently I've been hit with a large number of requests for missionary funding. I have been thinking a lot recently about how to decide which ministries to give to, who to give to within that ministry, and even how much to give. I realize that many of my friends have been considering this same question, as we don't all have it quite as figured out as the married man Stephen Chaves. I also realize that many people haven't even considered the topic. Thus, in this series I want to lay out (as I figure it out) my thoughts on the topic.

This is certainly subject to change, however I think I can hold fairly steady to this outline:
part 2: Why we should give our money
part 3: How much should we give (as a whole)
part 4: Who should we give to (ministry)
part 5: Who should we give to (person - if applicable)

As always, I would appreciate any thoughts as to other sub-topics to consider. More so, I am very interested to hear your feedback on my conclusions.

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