I’m sure by now, you’ve heard of Rob Bell’s new book titled “Love Wins” and the vast amount of criticism surrounding the book. Beginning with Justin Taylor’s initial comments based on a video that Bell release to promote the book, to Tim Challies initial review, to Kevin DeYoung’s review, etc. Ultimately, I think Driscoll has the BEST response on the TOPIC. The statistics of people writing on Bell over the past few weeks is remarkable. When Tim Challies posted his book review, he reported that 50k more people than usual stopped by his site to read his review. This is not a small or a light matter.
I really don’t think there is much question that Rob Bell has fallen off the deep end into liberal theology. As he did in Velvet Elvis, he interprets the Bible to conform to his own worldview based on what feels good or comfortable to him. As Driscoll has been pointing out, there have been quite a few heretics preaching the same universalistic views as Bell is for centuries (my grandmother being one of them).
My first reaction is pure disbelief of how anyone could read the Bible and and come to Bell’s conclusion. Jesus bluntly said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” in John 14:6. Scripture is full of this truth...and without scripture, you are no longer left with Christianity, but rather some self-centered ideological spirituality.
My second reaction was anger/disgust and admittedly sinful. I thought: “wow, Rob Bell, it’s too bad that once in hell, you won’t be able to report back that you were wrong, to the thousands of followers that you are dragging down with you”. Ultimately, we need him to know that he is wrong and to admit to his followers that he is leading them astray, in order to not further undo the immense amount of gospel work that he has already wrecked.
My third reaction was back to confusion. I want to camp out here for a minute. How do we have so many people that not only study, but teach the Bible on a daily basis that know so little about the character of God? I understand that it’s the same case as was with the Pharisees who never “knew” God. But why do we have people like Richard Mouw, the president of Fuller Theological Seminary, calling Love Wins “a great book, well within the bounds of orthodox Christianity and passionate about Jesus”...to that statement my response is: only if those bounds are so far away that we can’t see either end and the Jesus he is referring to is actually the name of the Latin fruit salesman on a low-budget Spanish soap opera. Mouw went on to say “There are stingy people who just want to consign many others to hell and only a few to heaven and take delight in the idea.” You can read more of this crap, here. This is the point where I get really confused in their logic. God does not delight in sending anyone to hell; I don’t delight in seeing (figuratively) anyone sent there. Yes, Mathhew 7:14 says “For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few”. Unlike many liberals are willing to, I’m not going to pull a Thomas Jefferson and cut that verse out of the Bible with a razor blade because it’s difficult to grasp. Rob Bell, Richard Mouw, etc., if you really do love people and don’t secretly delight in seeing people sent to hell...stop lying to the lost, preach the true gospel of the Bible, and stop leading people away from Christ and into hell.
Now, here’s the part that really has be confused. When someone like John Piper joins the discussion, the liberal side of the discussion always seems to wind up attacking him, saying that he is a fundamentalist, he is hateful, unloving, and un-passionate about Christ...the absolute opposite description that anyone would give who has ever listened to or read the man. Have you ever heard a Piper sermon that didn’t have at least one hefty encouragement to world missions? There is no inclusivism whatsoever in his, or many Reformed ministries. Driscoll is a great example of this; if Mars Hill (Driscoll’s, not Rob Bell’s) was inclusive, how could you explain the enormous growth in believers while preaching this so called “inclusive and offensive message”? Additionally, Mouw states: “But Rob Bell allows for a lot of mystery in how Jesus reaches people"...buddy, if there is one thing the Bible is dead nuts clear on, it is of our need for Jesus. There are many ways to Jesus, but only one way to the Father...that being Jesus. I find it absolutely amazing how Bell and his buddies always seem to follow a pattern of “let’s talk” and then when the questions get tough, duck out the back door with no accountability or need to engage and respond to any questions or opposing view.
Update: Rob Bell was on MSNBC for a few short minutes and pretty much got ripped apart by a reporter this evening. I’m amazed how he couldn’t answer a simple question regarding suffering (maybe he should have paid a little more attention to Piper -- he could have at least referenced Romans 8:28). I’m also amazed at the number of times that he seemingly contradicts himself in the brief interview.
My final reaction is a realization that we are utterly dependent on God to get us through this and every situation. I am clueless, not to mention incapable of persuading those with hardened hearts of the truth, only God can do that. Thankfully, there are enough people, who can actually speak logically, who can see what an idiot Rob Bell is, who refuse to follow him down to hell, who God can use to speak truth to those who are not discerning enough to divert from Bell's lead. Thankfully, because of God's providence, His will, will be done. I am completely dependent through prayer that God would open the eyes of the millions of people with erroneous views of the gospel and the Bible. Buddah’s not going to save you, Allah is nothing more than a demon (if not an imaginary character), Star Trek is just a TV show, your money will burn, you car will rust, at some point you will retire from your job (if you don't die first), and there is no saving gospel in Rob Bell’s message. Jesus is the one and only way to Heaven. Pray with me that God would use the discussion sparked by this crappy book to grow in numbers and faith people with a passion for Christ.
As for my one and only response to the book itself, I offer a single quotation by J. Gresham Machen in 'Christianity & Liberalism'. He states: “Religion cannot be made joyful simply by looking on the bright side of God. For a one-sided God is not a real God, and it is the real God alone who can satisfy the longing of our soul. God is love, but is He only love? God is love, but is love God?” (HT: Justin Taylor). God is more than love. God, will win.
ReplyDeleteFunny, because I got confused when I saw your post in my blogger panel as I JUST blogged about the same thing.
Bell is truly unfortunate; however, his antics are/were foreknown by a sovereign God, 2 Timothy 4:3. All we (believers in the God of the Bible) can do is speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), and be prepared to do so as people read this book.
Remember Matthew 6:25 "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing".
Public speaker Rob Bell will answer to God for his words and actions, pray for his repentance!
Grace and Peace,
John Weathersby
Completely agree! It's been a little disheartening to read through some Facebook discussions that have been going around on Bell's new book/theology. (And from seminary guys no less!) I just don't understand how you can study God's Word and come to conclusion similar to Rob Bell's. Anyway, this was very encouraging :D And thanks for sharing Driscoll's view, I had yet to read that.