Saturday, October 16, 2010

The difference between Chris Tomlin & Lecrae

The following is my general critique of Christian music. Keep in mind as you read this that there are certainly exceptions, I'm speaking overall here. Just like their obvious differences in appearance, Chris Tomlin's and Lecrae's music (and not just their genres) are drastically different. Before I get to far into the post I'd like to mention that I'm just going to lump all of the Christian radio music in with Christ Tomlin (Owen, that's for you brother). Keep in mind that I do enjoy many of Tomlin's songs, however there is one big distinction that I want to draw.

My beef (I think that's the word we're supposed to use when talking about rap) with Christian radio, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, is that it always seems as though it's geared toward some sappy emo kid who locked himself in the bathroom because his mommy took away his stash of anime. The DJs/hosts/whatever they're called never seem to grow up, they often speak as a "know-it-all", brand-new Christian in a freshman bible study. The gospel is occasionally present, but they would never dare discuss sanctification, discipline, prophecy, God's sovereignty, or anything of the like. Most of the time I wish they just wouldn't talk. If I had my way they would play some Lecrae. The bulk of the music that they play is for this emo kid. It might be great for him at first, but he never grows. He is never challenged.

It's for this reason that I love Lecrae. Since I started using Pandora for absolutely all of my music needs, I haven't purchased a CD in a while. However, Lecrae's new album broke that streak. I couldn't recommend it enough. I had 2 of the songs "Boasting", and "Background" on repeat at work for the better part of the week. First, I think it's pretty cool that he's a Christian rapper. But mostly, I LOVE that he is able to cram so much biblical truth into one song. There's nothing cliche about his lyrics. They're so powerful I can't help but keep them on repeat. Justin Taylor has download links (authorized by Lecrae) for the two songs that I mentioned on his blog.

I'm going to let his music speak for itself...though if you want to keep drawing tears on your cheek with your little sister's mascara (aka listening to Christ Tomlin) be my guest. Here are the links to the audio files on Justin's blog: Background and Boasting


  1. While I definitely agree that Lecrae's music is better and filled with much more Scripture, we must be careful not to rail on those who praise the Lord with more emotion than we would be comfortable doing. We must be diligent not to confuse a distaste "effeminate" praise or worship with what may just be our own emotional constipation. Even King David (the manliest of all men apart from Jesus) could be moved enough to dance in his skivvies in public because he was so struck emotionally by what God had done. Personally I'd say that the "emo" mentality that you referenced springs from self absorption and so comparing Tomlin's music to that is more unnecessary sensationalism than it is constructive criticism. Just my thoughts...

  2. Evan,

    Thanks for the comment man, and for keeping me in line. I'm not trying to bash anyone for praising God with emotion. My point in bringing in the emo kid (who stereotypically - wrong I know - are not emotional for Christ but rather for their hamster dieing or someone rejecting their myspace friend request). Moreover, I think Lecrae exhibits significantly more emotion than any of the other Christian artists that I've ever seen. And more-moreover, I do have been so struck emotional for what I've seen God do in my life that I could do nothing but weep tears of joy in public. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with emotion....I'm saying there is something wrong with sitting with emotion and not moving forward with anything.

    The primary difference that I was trying to draw was the substance behind the songs...and I know that you said that you see that too. But I see so much emotion and praise in all of his music. I mean, look how much Christ is present in every singe line in DWYL. It's emotional but it also gives us direction...something that your average song on your average Christian radio station just doesn't do.

    To live is Christ yeah that's Paul I recall
    To die is gain so for Christ we give it all
    He's the treasure you'll find in the mall
    Your money your singleness marriage talent and time
    They were loaned to you to show the world that Christ is Divine
    That's why it's Christ in my rhymes
    That's why it's Christ all the time
    My whole world is built around him He's the life in my lines

    Sorry for not being more clear when I posted.

  3. Bro, excellent and thought provoking post!

    I've been diving on Lecrae since '06 and my 8/6/2 year olds can sing most anything he has. I too am BLOWN away by his heart on the heart cry passion for Jesus. He motivates Jesus reach Harrisburg for Jesus!

    I hope to include 116 in the growing and launching of Transcend Church ( a pre church church plant JUST beginning to form as an idea.

    Any way, thanks for your post, are you going to see Lecrae in Lancaster?

    Grace and Peace-

