In Exodus, the Israelites were cruelly oppressed people. God intervened in their lives and Pharoah said: "get out". The Israelites had no reasources for making their journey but God had already planned their journey for them When Moses instructed the Israelites to ask for articles of silver, gold and clothing it was given it to them by other people.
At one time or another each of us has or will find ourselves and our futures seemingly in the hands of other people. The decisions of other people determine if we get a good grade or a bad grade, get a promotion or get fired, etc. Can we trust God that He will and can work in the heart of the person who is making a decision that will greatly affect us to bring about God's plan for us? Of course we can.
Jerry argues that the clearest biblical statement that God does sovereignty influence the decisions of other people comes from Proverbs 21:1 which says: "The King's heart is in the hand of the Lord; He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases."
God speaking through the prophet Isaiah to King Cyrus: "For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me....I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me" - Isaiah 45:4-5. Everyone's heart is directed by God whether we acknowledge it or not.
God restrains people from decisions or actions that would harm us. For example, in fear for his own life, Abraham lies to Abimelech about his wife saying that she was his sister. Abimelech moved to take her as his wife but God moved in his mind and restrained him. Abimelech chose of his own free will not to be with Sarah but his choosing was under the sovereign control of God.
After Joseph's brothers decided to sell him into slavery, God did not restrain them. Joseph later said "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" - Genesis 50:20
Clarifications of God's sovereignty:
- God is infinite in His ways and being - some things about God will forever remain a mystery to our finite minds.
- God has never induced anyone to sin - we are tempted by our own evil desire (not God's - James1:13-14)
- We are not mindless puppets by divine strings - the Bible consistently portrays people as making choices of their own
In the case of God rescuing Abraham and Sarah from the folly of Abraham's sin - God has not promised to work in the heart of another individual just to make up for our own shortcomings. If we want a good grade on an exam we need to study for it.
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