As a final installment of Motorcycle Theology I want to provide a brief “test” to help Christians decide if they should pursue a potentially unsafe activity. This test is certainly not restricted to riding a motorcycle and the answers will not be the same for everyone even when considering the same activity. Additionally, I do see the potential for a large amount of gray area in many of these decisions.
Question 1: We first need to determine if there is a risk of physical or metal harm before determining our participation. What are the potential risks of this activity? What could happen if I pursue this activity? I might not die, but could this outcome result in an inability to further the gospel or to continue with my ministry?
Question 2: We are clearly called to honor God with each and every one of our actions. I would contest that our inability to provide a positive answer to this question should result in our all-together succession of the activity in question. The most important question that we need to answer is: will pursuing this activity (motorcycle riding, bungee jumping, playing football, driving a car, crossing a street, etc.) glorify God? How will it honor Him? Do I have selfish reasons prompting my desire to pursue this potentially unsafe activity? To take even the most trivial example I provided: why am I crossing this street where a drunk driver in a speeding car could run a red light and kill me? Will my participation at the event/place that I am headed glorify God? Or am I headed to a place of debauchery or a place that I know that I will sin? If not, even our seemingly infinitesimal risk of crossing the road should not be taken. For example, it is nearly impossible for a guy to go to Indigo without sinning. Therefore, he should consider not only the physical harm he may endure crossing a street but also the mentally unsafe atmosphere he is entering.
Question 3: Am I honoring my parents with this decision? Does this decision have the potential to put the wellbeing of my wife/children (if applicable) in jeopardy? How do my parents/wife/children feel about me engaging in this activity? Do they even know about it?
Question 4: Will the gospel be furthered by my risk? If called by God, I think that Paul would join me in encouraging you to continue with the activity. But before doing so consider other methods to achieve the same ends. Will engaging in this activity put my ministry in jeopardy? Will my young Christian disciples/newly planted church/bible study that I leave behind fall apart without me?
Question 5: Am I fulfilling my heart’s desires with this activity or am being satisfied/content/fulfilled/finding my hope with God? Do I need some adrenaline rush because I’m not satisfied with God and His gift?
Question 6: Is there another way that I could get from point A to B? Do I need to jump from the roof of one building to the next in order to get into that building? Or can I simply walk down the steps of the first building and up the steps of the second? Could I drive my car instead of a motorcycle?
Question 7: Are you acting responsible? Is your decision to pursue this activity childish? 2 Timothy 2:22 says "So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart." Are you just looking for something fun to do? Or does the activity in question involve righteousness, faith, love and peace?
I'm certain that there could be a few more questions that could/should be considered and I would certainly appreciate any feedback regarding these questions as well as suggestions for additional questions. However, I feel that these seven are sufficient for most of our decisions.
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